Thursday, May 23, 2013

Shoppica – Premium OpenCart Theme

Shoppica – Premium OpenCart Theme - OpenCart eCommerce

Shoppica is a fully responsive OpenCart theme with stylish design and powerful backend.

Shoppica is a guarantee for a professional online presence. The clean and modern look allows you to use the theme for every kind of online shop. In combination with the powerfull option to change the color of all elements, you will be given the possibility to make an unique e-commerce website that stands out of the crowd! Check the backend live: Username/Password – demo/demo

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Theme features

  • 100% OpenCart 1.5.3.x / 1.5.4.x / 1.5.5.x compatible!

  • Responsive layout – you shop will appear nicely on every mobile phone (iphone, android, windows phone) and tablet.

  • Unlimited color combinations; full control over the colors of the site elements; Every category and subcategory can have different color scheme!

  • Custom background textures and images – you can upload your own. You can set different background for every category.

  • SEO-ready. Entirely new semantic and SEO friendly markup

  • Clean and readable typography.

  • 2 different site design styles: fixed and full width

  • Configurable side column position (left or right)

  • Single or multicolumn layout (configurable)

  • Custom fonts with option to choose subsets for every font (google webfonts). You can choose different fonts for every installed language

  • Fully localized

  • RTL language support

  • Choose products per row number

  • Intro slideshow – you can show uploaded images, or selected products from the catalog. Configurable transition effects, slideshow border and slideshow size. Every category and subcategory can have different slideshow, with different products and images!

  • Horizontal navigation with unlimited subcategory levels

  • Shows brands for every top level category in horizontal navigation and creates a page with the category products filtered by the selected brand

  • Custom cart menu dropdown

  • Grid / list products view

  • Jquery enhanced user interface – tabs, lightbox photo preview, form validation

  • Shoppica banners – you can configure banner sets through admin area. You can have different banners for every language!

  • Footer information – short info, contact details, twitter and facebook widgets with multilanguage support

  • Enable / disable default OpenCart features such as Wishlist, Compare, Returns etc.

  • Category sitemap in the footer

  • Multi-Store ready – different theme settings for every store in a single installation

  • Custom payment icons – can be configured in the admin panel

  • Extensive documentation – you can read it even before you purchased the theme

  • Excellent support – Shoppica support forums will help you to resolve your issues, should you have any.

Theme support

Theme support will be provided only from the support forum. You will need to register with your ThemeForest username and use the purchase code from your license certificate for confirmation. We will try our best to reply to your posts and emails in no longer than 2 business days. Our timezone is UTC/GMT +2.

ThemeBurn support forums | Register account | How to get your purchase code?

Release history

Please, read carefully the documentation before upgrading. Do not forget to re-save your shoppica control panel after upgrading the theme.

Shoppica 1 files changelog

Shoppica 2 files changelog

  • Version 2.2.2 – 06 January 2013

    - added – OpenCart 1.5.5.x compatibility

    - fixed – facebook likebox issues

  • Version 2.2.1 – 02 November 2012

    - added – new twitter API compatibility

    - fixed – a missing error message about required TAX ID in the checkout

  • Version 2.2.0 – 28 Agust 2012

    - added – OpenCart 1.5.4.x compatibility

    - added – Twitter follow button

    - fixed – minor CSS bugs

  • Version 2.1.3 – 16 Agust 2012

    - fixed – fallback language problem

    - fixed – information menu disappearing sometimes

    - fixed – apostrophes in the categories titles break the functionality

    - fixed – some mobile theme issues

    - fixed – minor CSS bugs

    - fixed – various error notices

  • Version 2.1.2 – 19 June 2012

    - added – mobile detection improvements

    - added – improved vqmod compatibility

    - added – option to choose source of the product intro description

    - fixed – add class to selected menu items

    - fixed – minor CSS bugs

    - fixed – various error notices

  • Version 2.1.1 – 6 June 2012

    - added – mobile version improvements

    - fixed – overlapping menu items

    - fixed – country validation

    - fixed – products count in the category module

    - fixed – minor CSS bugs

  • Version 2.1.0 – 1 June 2012

    - added – OpenCart 1.5.3.x compatibility

    - added – mobile version improvements

    - fixed – various error notices

    - fixed – minor CSS bugs and browser compatibility issues

  • Version 2.0.0. – 17 May 2012 – read announcement

    - added – Reworked admin panel

    - added – Responsive design

    - added – Multi-Store ready – different theme settings for every store for the installation

    - added – RTL language support

    - added – Custom fonts with option to choose subsets for every font (google webfonts)

    - added – Custom css – allows user to include custom css without touching core files

    - added – Enable / disable default OpenCart features such as Wishlist, Compare, Returns etc.

    - added – Cloudzoom product preview

    - added – Significant performance improvements

  • Version 1.0.18 – 06 January 2013

    - added – OpenCart 1.5.5.x compatibility

    - fixed – facebook likebox issues

  • Version 1.0.17 – 02 November 2012

    - added – new twitter API compatibility

  • Version 1.0.16 – 28 Agust 2012

    - added – OpenCart 1.5.4.x compatibility

  • Version 1.0.15 – 6 June 2012

    - fixed – country validation

    - fixed – minor CSS bugs

  • Version 1.0.14 – 1 June 2012

    - added – OpenCart 1.5.2.x compatibility

    - fixed – minor CSS bugs and browser compatibility issues

  • Version 1.0.13 – 17 May 2012

    - fixed – various error notices

    - fixed – minor CSS bugs and browser compatibility issues

  • Version 1.0.12 – 14 March 2012

    - added – OpenCart 1.5.2.x compatibility

    - added – RTL languages support pack

    - fixed – various error notices

    - fixed – minor CSS bugs and browser compatibility issues

  • Version 1.0.11 – 28 October 2011

    - fixed – bug when removing gift vouchers from shopping cart

    - fixed – redirect bug when adding product with options to the cart

    - fixed – link to sitemap from information module

    - fixed – Some minor CSS bugs and browser compatibility issues

  • Version 1.0.10 – 10 October 2011

    - added – OpenCart compatibility

    - added – Open in new window option for Shoppica banners

    - added – Multilingual shoppica banners – you can set different banners for every language

    - fixed – SEO url bugs with shopping cart and server messages

    - fixed – Grid/list view for category/brand filter

    - fixed – Some minor CSS bugs and browser compatibility issues

  • Version 1.0.9 – 8 August 2011

    - added – Multilingual footer

    - added – Custom background image upload

    - added – Configurable product gallery position

    - fixed – Multistore cart url issues

    - fixed – Returns and voucher layout

    - fixed – Excluding categories from main navigation

    - fixed – Information module links

    - fixed – Latest module links

    - fixed – Missing translations

    - fixed – Some php warnings and notices

    - fixed – Minor CSS and browser compatibility bugs

  • Version 1.0.8 – 27 July 2011

    - OpenCart compatibility

    - fixed – Shoppica intro banner images cannot be removed once saved

    - fixed – Translation of notice messages titles

    - fixed – Color picker does not appear on some hosting configurations

    - fixed – Payment redirect, when checkout is confirmed

    - fixed – The order info action button does not appear

    - fixed – minor CSS bugs

    - fixed – php notices

    - documentation update

  • Version 1.0.7 – 22 July 2011

    - fixed – System messages bug

    - fixed – Intro slideshow bug with SEO urls

    - fixed – Reviews not hiding in the product page

    - fixed – minor css bugs

  • Version 1.0.6 – 21 July 2011

    - fixed – SEO url not working from the main menu

  • Version 1.0.5 – 20 July 2011

    - added – OpenCart compatibility

    - added – Configurable header

    - added – Show information pages in the top navigation

    - added – Product intro sizes – small, medium, large

    - added – Flexible layout – you can add or remove the side column for every page

    - added – Product share (facebook like, tweet button, google +)

    - fixed – minor css bugs

  • Version 1.0.4 – 12 May 2011

    - OpenCart compatibility

    - fixed bug when SSL mode enabled

    - fixed bug when fonts did not display correctly in some cases

    - added some missing frontend translation strings

    - minor css bug fixes

    - fixed some rare PHP notices

    - more improved compatibility with third party modules

    - updated docs

  • Version 1.0.3 – 4 May 2011

    - maintenance mode bug fixed

    - translation bug fixed

    - minor css bug fixes

    - added option to remove the color schemer when logged as admin

    - added option in the CP to remove Shoppica shopping cart

    - improved compatibility with third party modules

  • Version 1.0.2 – 29 April 2011

    - Cart menu bug fixed;

    - Some php notices fixed

  • Version 1.0.1 – 28 April 2011

    - PSD included;

    - Some minor css bug fixes

  • Version 1.0 – 23 April 2011 – Initial release

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